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AI - Deep Learning (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode) on Apple Silicon M1 Mac

Use TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode to install Deep Learning environment on Apple Silicon M1 Mac

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, en, Mar 17, 2021

AI - Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 机器学习环境 (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode)

在 Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 上使用 TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode 安装机器学习环境

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, 人工智能, 机器学习, 深度学习, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, Mar 17, 2021

AI - A simple way to collect your deep learning image dataset

Deep Learning has become the go-to method for solving many challenging problems.

AI, Deep Learning, Bing, en, Mar 09, 2021

AI - 一个简单的收集深度学习图像数据集的方法


AI, Deep Learning, Bing, Mar 09, 2021

工具 - macOS Big Sur Navicat Premium 34018无法保存密码

系统升级到最新 macOS Big Sur 后,使用 Navicat Premium 15.20+ 版本建立新的数据库连接,出现无法保存数据库密码,提示 Failed to save password Error code -34018 错误

Navicat, macOS, Feb 21, 2021

Tool - macOS Big Sur Navicat Premium Failed to save password 34018

After the system is upgraded to the latest macOS Big Sur, when you establish a new database connection with Navicat Premium 15.20+, the database password cannot be saved, prompting Fa...

Navicat, macOS, en, Feb 21, 2021

Python - 如何打包并发布 Python 库到 PyPI

本教程以 py_pkg 项目为例,讲解如何将一个 Python 项目打包成库并分发到 PyPI,方便他人使用 pip install 安装使用。

Python, PyPI, pip, Feb 19, 2021

golang 编程规范 - Effective Go 中文

Go 是一门全新的语言。尽管它从现有的语言中借鉴了许多思想,但其与众不同的特性,使得用 Go 编程在本质上就不同于其它语言。

golang, go, Effective Go, Jan 26, 2021

微服务监控 - 高可用 EFK 日志收集

利用 ECK(Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes)部署一个高可用的日志收集

微服务监控, kubernetes, k8s, Istio, EFK, Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana, ECK, Operator, Dec 20, 2020