Privacy Policy


MakeOptim 网(以下简称 MakeOptim )非常重视对您的个人隐私保护,有时候我们需要某些信息才能为您提供您请求的服务,本隐私声明解释了这些情况下的数据收集和使用情况。 本隐私声明适用于 MakeOptim 的所有相关服务,随着 MakeOptim 服务范围的扩大,隐私声明的内容可由 MakeOptim 随时更新,且毋须另行通知。更新后的隐私声明一旦在网页上公布即有效代替原来的隐私声明。


通常,您能在匿名的状态下访问 MakeOptim 并获取信息。当我们需要能识别您的个人信息或者可以与您联系的信息时,我们会征求您的同意。您的评论将由第三方服务商托管,具体内容请参考 gitalk


MakeOptim 严格保护您个人信息的安全。我们使用各种安全技术和程序来保护您的个人信息不被未经授权的访问、使用或泄漏。

MakeOptim 会在法律要求或符合 MakeOptim 的相关服务条款、软件许可使用协议约定的情况下透露您的个人信息,或者有充分理由相信必须这样做才能:

满足法律或行政法规的明文规定,或者符合 MakeOptim 网站适用的法律程序; 符合 MakeOptim 相关服务条款、软件许可使用协议的约定; MakeOptim 不会未经您的允许将这些信息与第三方共享,本声明已经列出的上述情况除外。

Cookie 的使用

使用 Cookie 能帮助您实现您的联机体验的个性化,您可以接受或拒绝 Cookie ,大多数 Web 浏览器会自动接受 Cookie,但您通常可根据自己的需要来修改浏览器的设置以拒绝 Cookie。

MakeOptim 有时会使用 Cookie 以便知道哪些网站受欢迎,使您在访问 MakeOptim 时能得到更好的服务。Cookie 不会跟踪个人信息。

当您注册 MakeOptim 时,MakeOptim 亦会使用 Cookie。在这种情况下, MakeOptim 会收集并存储有用信息,当您再次访问 MakeOptim 时,我们可辨认您的身份。来自 MakeOptim 的 Cookie 只能被 MakeOptim 读取。 如果您的浏览器被设置为拒绝 Cookie,您仍然能够访问 MakeOptim 的大多数网页。


用户在接受 MakeOptim 网服务之前,请务必仔细阅读本条款并同意本声明。

用户直接或通过各类方式(如站外 API 引用等)间接使用 MakeOptim 网服务和数据的行为,都将被视作已无条件接受本声明所涉全部内容;若用户对本声明的任何条款有异议,请停止使用 MakeOptim 网所提供的全部服务。


用户以各种方式使用 MakeOptim 网服务和数据(包括但不限于发表、宣传介绍、转载、浏览及利用 MakeOptim 网或 MakeOptim 网用户发布内容)的过程中,不得以任何方式利用 MakeOptim 网直接或间接从事违反中国法律、以及社会公德的行为,且用户应当恪守下述承诺:

发布、转载或提供的内容符合中国法律、社会公德; 不得干扰、损害和侵犯 MakeOptim 网的各种合法权利与利益; 遵守 MakeOptim 网以及与之相关的网络服务的协议、指导原则、管理细则等; MakeOptim 网有权对违反上述承诺的内容予以删除。


就下列相关事宜的发生,MakeOptim 不承担任何法律责任:

用户在 MakeOptim 网发表的内容(包含但不限于 MakeOptim 网目前各产品功能里的内容)仅表明其个人的立场和观点,并不代表 MakeOptim 网的立场或观点。作为内容的发表者,需自行对所发表内容负责,因所发表内容引发的一切纠纷,由该内容的发表者承担全部法律及连带责任。

由于您将用户密码告知他人或与他人共享注册帐户,由此导致的任何个人信息的泄漏,或其他非因 MakeOptim 原因导致的个人信息的泄漏; MakeOptim 根据法律规定或政府相关政策要求提供您的个人信息; 任何第三方根据 MakeOptim 各服务条款及声明中所列明的情况使用您的个人信息,由此所产生的纠纷; 任何由于黑客攻击、电脑病毒侵入或政府管制而造成的暂时性网站关闭; 因不可抗力导致的任何后果; MakeOptim 在各服务条款及声明中列明的使用方式或免责情形。

MakeOptim 中的文章均代表作者自己观点, MakeOptim 不对此承担任何责任。

用户在 MakeOptim 网发布侵犯他人知识产权或其他合法权益的内容,MakeOptim 网有权予以删除,并保留移交司法机关处理的权利。

个人或单位如认为 MakeOptim 网上存在侵犯自身合法权益的内容,应准备好具有法律效应的证明材料,及时与 MakeOptim 网取得联系,以便 MakeOptim 网迅速做出处理。


对免责声明的解释、修改及更新权均属于 MakeOptim 网所有。


Privacy Statement (hereinafter referred to as MakeOptim) attaches great importance to the protection of your privacy. Sometimes we need certain information to provide you with the services you request. This privacy statement explains the data collection and uses in these situations. This privacy statement applies to all related services of MakeOptim. With the expansion of the scope of MakeOptim's services, the content of the privacy statement can be updated by MakeOptim at any time without prior notice. Once the updated privacy statement is published on the webpage, it will effectively replace the original privacy statement.

What information do we collect

Usually, you can visit MakeOptim and get information anonymously. When we need personal information that can identify you or information that can contact you, we will ask for your consent. Your comment will be hosted by a third-party service provider. For details, please refer to gitalk.

Personal information about you

MakeOptim strictly protects the security of your personal information. We use various security technologies and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or leakage.

MakeOptim will disclose your personal information when required by law or in compliance with MakeOptim's relevant terms of service and software license agreement, or there are good reasons to believe that this is necessary to:

Meet the express provisions of laws or administrative regulations, or comply with the legal procedures applicable to the MakeOptim website; Comply with MakeOptim related terms of service and software license agreement; MakeOptim will not share this information with third parties without your permission, except for the above situations listed in this statement.

Use of Cookies

The use of cookies can help you personalize your online experience. You can accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to refuse according to your needs. Cookies.

MakeOptim sometimes uses cookies to know which websites are popular so that you can get better service when you visit MakeOptim. Cookies do not track personal information.

When you register for MakeOptim, MakeOptim will also use cookies. In this case, MakeOptim will collect and store useful information. When you visit MakeOptim again, we can identify you. Cookies from MakeOptim can only be read by MakeOptim. If your browser is set to reject cookies, you can still access most of MakeOptim's web pages.


Before accepting the MakeOptim service, users must read these terms carefully and agree to this statement.

Users who directly or indirectly use MakeOptim network services and data through various methods (such as off-site API references, etc.) will be deemed to have unconditionally accepted all the contents of this statement; if the user has any terms of this statement If you have any objections, please stop using all services provided by

The first article

In the process of using MakeOptim network services and data in various ways (including but not limited to publishing, promotion, reprinting, browsing, and using MakeOptim network or MakeOptim network users to publish content), users shall not directly use MakeOptim network in any way. Or indirectly engage in behaviors that violate Chinese laws and social ethics, and users should abide by the following commitments:

The content posted, reprinted, or provided complies with Chinese laws and social ethics; Do not interfere with, damage, or infringe the various legal rights and interests of MakeOptim Network; Comply with MakeOptim network and related network service agreements, guidelines, management rules, etc.; reserves the right to delete content that violates the above commitments.

Second Article

MakeOptim does not assume any legal responsibility for the occurrence of the following related matters:

The content published by users on the MakeOptim website (including but not limited to the content in the current product functions of the MakeOptim website) only expresses their positions and opinions and does not represent the positions or opinions of the MakeOptim website. As the publisher of the content, you are responsible for the content published. All disputes arising from the content published shall be held by the publisher of the content for all legal and joint liabilities.

Any personal information leakage caused by you telling others the user password or sharing the registered account with others, or other personal information leakages not caused by MakeOptim; MakeOptim provides your personal information by legal requirements or relevant government policies; Any third party uses your personal information by the conditions listed in MakeOptim's terms of service and statement, and disputes arising therefrom; Any temporary website closure due to hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion, or government control; Any consequences caused by force majeure; MakeOptim's usage methods or exemptions listed in the terms of service and statements.

The articles in MakeOptim represent the author's views, and MakeOptim does not assume any responsibility for this.

If users publish content on that infringes on the intellectual property rights or other legal rights of others, reserves the right to delete it and reserves the right to transfer it to judicial authorities for processing.

If an individual or organization believes that there is content on the MakeOptim website that infringes on their legitimate rights and interests, they should prepare proof materials with legal effects, and get in touch with the MakeOptim website promptly so that the MakeOptim website can quickly deal with it.


The right to interpret, modify and update the disclaimer belongs to

The copyright belongs to the author. Reprinting must be approved by the author.