

Golang 专栏

整理笔者所写的一系列关于 Golang 的文章,方便大家阅读。

Go, Golang, 微服务, 架构, May 24, 2021

易 AI 专栏

易 AI,用人话讲 AI,让喜欢 AI 的人,更容易入门 AI。

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, 人工智能, 机器学习, 深度学习, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Apr 01, 2021

Go web编程

Go web编程

Go, Jan 01, 2019



软件修养, CI, CD, 持续集成, Dec 12, 2018



软件修养, CI, CD, 持续集成, Dec 12, 2018


工具 - nrm 安装后执行报 open 模块错误

nrm 安装后执行报 open 模块错误

nrm, May 24, 2023

Tools - After nrm installation, the execution reports an open module error

After nrm installation, the execution reports an open module error

nrm, en, May 24, 2023

Python 常见问题 - Python 如何使用多线程执行任务,如下载大量图片

以 Python 多线程下载图片为例,说明 Python 如何使用多线程执行任务

Python, PyPI, pip, multi-threaded, Apr 26, 2023

Python FAQ - How does Python perform tasks in multiple threads, such as downloading a large number of pictures

Use Python multi-threaded image download case to illustrate how Python multi-threaded execution tasks

Python, PyPI, pip, multi-threaded, Apr 26, 2023

VSCode - Volar infinite Loop on organizing imports, preventing it from saving

File can not be saved because infinite Loop on organizing imports of the Volar plugin

VSCode, en, Nov 07, 2022

VSCode - Volar 插件保存文件时不断闪烁,导致无法保存

Volar 插件保存文件时不断闪烁,导致无法保存

VSCode, Nov 07, 2022

FAQ - Mac 设置无线 Wi-Fi 和有线网络同时访问内外网

Mac 设置无线 Wi-Fi 和有线同时上网,解决内外网一起访问的问题

tool, mac, Nov 03, 2022

工具 - brew install 安装指定版本软件(protobuf 为例)

以 protobuf 为例讲解 brew install 如何安装指定版本软件

brew, Sep 07, 2022

Tools - brew install the specific version of software (protobuf as an example)

Take protobuf as an example to explain how brew install the specific version of software.

brew, en, Sep 07, 2022

CI - Mac app Notarization(公证) 报错 You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)

Mac app Notarization(公证) 报错 You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)

electron, mac, ci, Jul 17, 2022

CI - Mac app Notarization reports an error You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)

Mac app Notarization reports an error You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)

electron, mac, ci, Jul 17, 2022

CI - electron Mac app codesign 报错 A timestamp was expected but was not found.

electron Mac app codesign 报错 A timestamp was expected but was not found

electron, mac, ci, Jul 17, 2022

CI - electron Mac app codesign reports an error A timestamp was expected but was not found.

electron Mac app codesign reports an error A timestamp was expected but was not found

electron, mac, ci, Jul 17, 2022

Git 常见问题 - git 文件不区分大小写问题

git 默认文件不区分大小写导致的问题

Git, Jun 16, 2022

工具 - nrm ls 不带星(*)并且 nrm current 没有任何输出

nrm use 失效。nrm ls 不带星(*)并且 nrm current 没有任何输出

nrm, Feb 14, 2022

Tools - nrm ls doesn't show star (*) and nrm current doesn't have any output

nrm use not work. nrm ls doesn't show star (*) and nrm current doesn't have any output

nrm, en, Feb 14, 2022

Tool - How to deal with Git Pulling without specifying warning

How to deal with pulling without specifying warning when executing git pull?

Git, en, Dec 05, 2021

工具 - 如何处理 Git Pulling without specifying 警告

如何处理当执行 git pull 时的 Pulling without specifying 警告?

Git, Dec 05, 2021

Google Optimize 变体的移动端编辑与 Shopify 不兼容


A/B 测试, A/B Testing, Google Optimize, 谷歌优化工具, Shopify, Aug 04, 2021

Google Optimize variant's mobile editing is incompatible with Shopify

This page uses security features that are incompatible with Optimize mobile editing. For more information, you can check out our security requirements.

A/B Testing, Google Optimize, Shopify, en, Aug 04, 2021

Tool - Docker build not showing any output from commands(Dockerfile RUN)

When executing docker build, there is no output from the RUN command in the Dockerfile.

featured, Docker, en, Apr 28, 2021

工具 - Docker build 执行命令(Dockerfile RUN)没有任何输出

执行 docker build 的时候,Dockerfile 中的 RUN 命令没有任何输出。

Docker, Apr 28, 2021

Tool - How to change the default Conda Python environment

Change the default Conda Python environment when opening the terminal.

featured, Conda, Anaconda, Python, en, Apr 21, 2021

工具 - 如何修改 Conda 默认启动的 Python 环境

修改启动终端时 Conda 默认启动的 Python 环境

Conda, Anaconda, Python, Apr 21, 2021

Service Mesh - Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service External IP pending

A solution for the Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service External IP has been in a pending state.

Service Mesh, Istio, Kubernetes, kubeadm, minikube, MetalLB, Apr 14, 2021

Service Mesh - Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service External IP 一直处于 pending 状态

Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service 外部 IP 一直处于 pending 问题解决方案

Service Mesh, Istio, Kubernetes, kubeadm, minikube, MetalLB, Apr 14, 2021

工具 - macOS Big Sur Navicat Premium 34018无法保存密码

系统升级到最新 macOS Big Sur 后,使用 Navicat Premium 15.20+ 版本建立新的数据库连接,出现无法保存数据库密码,提示 Failed to save password Error code -34018 错误

Navicat, macOS, Feb 21, 2021

Tool - macOS Big Sur Navicat Premium Failed to save password 34018

After the system is upgraded to the latest macOS Big Sur, when you establish a new database connection with Navicat Premium 15.20+, the database password cannot be saved, prompting Fa...

Navicat, macOS, en, Feb 21, 2021

Istio 常见问题 - Istio 自定义 Ingress(入口)网关

Istio 默认只创建了一个位于 istio-system 命名空间下的 LoadBalancer 类型入口网关 istio-ingressgateway。

Service Mesh, Istio, Istio 常见问题, May 18, 2020

Istio 常见问题 - configmap istio-ca-root-cert not found

Istio 升级到 1.5.0 之后,新建命名空间,并开启 Istio sidecar 注入后,部署服务,会出现如下报错

Service Mesh, Istio, Istio 常见问题, May 11, 2020


golang 1.19 工具、运行时、库、性能,改良版

golang 1.19 工具、运行时、库、性能,改良版

golang, go, Aug 03, 2022

golang 1.18 泛型教程

golang 1.18 泛型教程官方文档翻译

golang, go, Mar 16, 2022

golang 1.18 泛型、模糊测试、工作区、性能提升,里程碑式的版本

golang 1.18 泛型、模糊处理、工作区、性能提升,里程碑式的版本。

golang, go, Mar 16, 2022

AI - Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 natively supports TensorFlow 2.10 GPU acceleration (tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice)

Use tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice, JupyterLab, VSCode to install machine learning environment on Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2, natively support GPU acceleration.

featured, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, TensorFlow, tensorflow-metal, PluggableDevice, Jupyter, Vscode, en, Jun 23, 2021

AI - Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 原生支持 TensorFlow 2.10 GPU 加速(tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice)

在 Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 上使用 tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice, JupyterLab, VSCode 安装机器学习环境,原生支持 GPU 加速

featured, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, 人工智能, 机器学习, 深度学习, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, TensorFlow, tensorflow-metal, PluggableDevice, Jupyter, Vscode, GPU, Jun 23, 2021

golang 1.14 1.15 1.16 新特性一览

笔者一直使用 golang 1.13 版本开发项目,随着 golang 的不断更新,新版本的许多特性也很实用,发现是时候更新一下了。

golang, go, May 19, 2021

AI - Installing TensorFlow GPU on Win10

Installing TensorFlow 2.4.1 GPU on Win10.

AI, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, GPU, win10, en, May 06, 2021

AI - Installing TensorFlow GPU on Ubuntu with apt

Installing TensorFlow 2.6.0 GPU on Ubuntu 18.04.5 with apt.

AI, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, GPU, Ubuntu, en, Apr 05, 2021

AI - Deep Learning (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode) on Mac

This article shows how to install the deep learning environment on an ordinary Mac.

AI, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, en, Mar 30, 2021

AI - Mac 机器学习环境 (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode)

使用 TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode 在 Mac 上搭建机器学习环境。

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, 人工智能, 机器学习, 深度学习, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, Mar 23, 2021

AI - Deep Learning (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode) on Apple Silicon M1 Mac

Use TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode to install Deep Learning environment on Apple Silicon M1 Mac

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, en, Mar 17, 2021

AI - Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 机器学习环境 (TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode)

在 Apple Silicon Mac M1/M2 上使用 TensorFlow, JupyterLab, VSCode 安装机器学习环境

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, M1 Mac, Apple Silicon, 人工智能, 机器学习, 深度学习, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Vscode, Mar 17, 2021

AI - A simple way to collect your deep learning image dataset

Deep Learning has become the go-to method for solving many challenging problems.

AI, Deep Learning, Bing, en, Mar 09, 2021

golang 编程规范 - Effective Go 中文

Go 是一门全新的语言。尽管它从现有的语言中借鉴了许多思想,但其与众不同的特性,使得用 Go 编程在本质上就不同于其它语言。

golang, go, Effective Go, Jan 26, 2021

在 Golang 上使用整洁架构(Clean Architecture)

阅读完 Uncle Bob 的整洁架构(Clean Architecture)后,我尝试在 Golang 中实现它。

golang, go, Clean Architecture, Oct 23, 2020

golang 编程规范 - 项目目录结构


featured, golang, go, project-layout, 目录结构, Jul 16, 2020

工具 - 打造 Mac “完美”终端(Terminal),一篇就够了


featured, iTerm2, zsh, oh my zsh, powerlevel10k, Jul 05, 2020



使用基于 Tensorflow 的神经网络风格迁移工具在线&免费创作艺术图像

AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Style Transfer, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Nov 16, 2021

Neural Style Transfer Online & Free Tool

Create Artistic Images Online & Free using Neural Style Transfer based on Tensorflow.

sticky, featured, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Style Transfer, TensorFlow, Jupyter, Nov 16, 2021